Teacher Who Runs for School Board

OK, folks. Here’s a report (click here to read it) on a teacher who runs for school board because realizes that her local community, including the board, aren’t very well-informed on the good things — or the real needs — in the district’s schools. Sarah Kirby-Gonzalez is running for the position in West Sacramento, CA, against a candidate put forward by Michelle Rhee’s organization. After becoming active and seeing the lack of good information in the state’s education policy decision-making, she says,

When I went to the mayor’s workshop meeting regarding the school district, I looked around the room and I knew this was my time. I was without a doubt the most qualified potential candidate in the room, and I was ready to run for a seat on the WUSD School Board.

Reading the report, you’ll notice how much of her stance is not so much about specific policies as about educators and decision-makers gaining good information and listening to the concerns of parents and the community.

Readers, I hope you’ll encourage more teachers to learn from Ms Kirby-Gonzalez’s example.

One Comment to “Teacher Who Runs for School Board”

  1. Dave Hart says:

    I just looked at the Yolo County elections web page. Sarah Kirby-Gonzalez absolutely trounced Michelle Rhee’s boy in every single precinct. I wish her the best. My only reservation is that so much of her good energy will have to be directed at budgets and fighting the political result of people like Michelle Rhee’s organization. But a victory is a victory and we need to support her and, if religious, pray for her success.

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