Smart Advice on How to Talk About Education

The wider public, being less connected to schools than we teachers are, tends to have some limited concepts of our work and how to improve it. But in some fascinating and extremely helpful research the FrameWorks Institute provides smart advice on how to talk about education with the wider public. General attitudes about schools differ from educators’ understandings, but there are ways we can better communicate across this divide.

The Frameworks Institute tested a variety of metaphors — they call them “frames” or “simplifying models” — for that communication, and the two that work best are the education system as an orchestra and education reform as remodeling. When they used these models in explanations to ordinary people, they resulted in much more sophisticated thinking about schools on the part of the listeners.

Here’s a link to this very valuable study. We’ve also featured it on our “Teachers Writing for Support” page. Look for ways to use these metaphors when you write or talk with community members about your work.

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